Hello! I'm Yusuf Abdulkarim

A Full-Stack Web Developer
Passionate about building for the next billion users

About me

It is a pleasure to have you in my cyberspace. I'm a full-stack developer with a growing affinity for Javasript related technologies. I am proficient in Javascript, React, Node, Express, and Python.

After almost a decade spent working in teams, researching, overcoming challenges, and architecting scalable systems in college and the tech community, I've developed strong creative problem-solving, communication, and organizational skills. I am interested in applying these skills, in combination with modern web technologies, to build engaging and cutting-edge products.

When not working on a project or thinking about programming, I'm most likely out, sight-seeing, watching TV series on Netflix, spending time with family and friends, or thinking about how to contribute to poverty alleviation through technology and empowerment in Africa.

My Skills


  • Libraries

  • Concepts


Description of some of my previous projects and a link to the deployed site and github page

BeFit  Github

A full-stack production-ready web application that helps users track workouts, follow instructional videos, and create custom workouts from over 850 exercises

Built using Javascript, React, Redux, Netlify, Git, Ant-Design System, Jest, TravisCI, Postgres (Knex) and Node

Politico  Github

Politico enables citizens give their mandate to politicians running for different government offices while building trust in the process through transparency.

Built using vanilla Javascript, CSS (No frameworks), Express, PostgreSQL, Mocha, TravisCI, Git, Cloudinary, ES6, Babel, ESLint, Heroku, NodeJS.

LifeGPA  Github

LifeGPA helps track your habits across all aspect of life and give a simple composite metric. I worked on the marketing page only

Built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, GreenSock

I'll Serve Soup  Github

Teamed up with two other developers across two continents and three timezones to assemble a simple soup kitchen management software that allows inventory tracking and easy user sign up in 4 days.

Built using Javascript React, Redux, styled-component


Dont be a stranger ðŸ˜‰ Send me a message and I'll reply as soon as I can